Curiosity as a Reward Function: How to Incentivize Professional Growth Through Gamified Learning
Where I explore the parallels between classic gaming mechanics and legal innovation, and how we can use our curiosity to gain mastery, one level at a time
Welcome back, my curious legal minds! As we navigate the evolving landscape of legal practice, a fascinating parallel emerges: the same reward mechanisms that keep us playing "just one more level" of Tetris might hold the key to professional growth and innovation. 🎮⚖️
For those joining our conversation today, get ready for an unexpected journey. We're exploring how the psychology of gaming can illuminate our approach to legal practice and technology adoption. Just as each falling Tetris piece presents a new challenge and opportunity, we'll examine how curiosity drives us to become better practitioners, one strategic move at a time. 🧩💡
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Before we dive into the notion of curiosity as a reward, let’s clarify what a reward function is. In the world of artificial intelligence, a reward function is a set of rules that tells an AI system whether it’s doing “well” or “poorly.” If you imagine an AI playing a simple game, like collecting coins on a digital map, every time it collects a coin, it might receive a “reward” of +1. If it hits an obstacle, maybe it gets a -1. This scoring system, or reward function, guides the AI’s behavior: it encourages actions that bring more positive rewards and discourages those that lead to penalties. Essentially, the AI uses this feedback to figure out better strategies over time.
In human terms, we have our own, more nuanced “reward functions.” We may gain satisfaction from winning a case, mastering a new technology, or seeing a positive outcome in a negotiation. But there’s a special kind of reward that’s not tied to direct success or monetary gains: one rooted in our innate drive to discover something new. Curiosity is that reward function, subtly nudging us to seek fresh experiences and deeper understanding.
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The Lure of “Just One More Game”
When I was in college, I’d spend hours mesmerized by Tetris. I wasn’t just playing a game; I was on a quest: stacking bricks, clearing lines, chasing that elusive high score. Even though Tetris repeats the same basic premise, it still manages to pull you back in, level after level. I remember even playing it in my dreams. At first glance, it might be puzzling: how can something so repetitive remain so engaging? The magic, I propose, lies in curiosity as a reward function: the drive to see what happens next, to experiment with new strategies, and to chase incremental improvement. It’s the same mechanism that propels us not only through video games but also in our real-life pursuits.
For attorneys who are early adopters of technology, this topic has particular resonance. The lawyer’s world is famously repetitive: think about drafting standard contracts or performing routine filings. Yet it’s also incredibly rich with novelty: emerging technologies, new cases, advanced analytics, and changes in regulatory frameworks and case law. How do we balance the monotony of repeated tasks with the need to keep exploring the new? As odd as it may sound, a small detour into Tetris, Galaga, and other 80s arcade classics can shed light on our daily professional pursuit of novelty and mastery.
The Value in Repetition
On its face, repetition sounds boring, like reading boilerplate language in a contract for the hundredth time. But for many tasks, including legal work, repetition is also where mastery is built. If Tetris were brand-new every time, if the pieces had entirely different shapes or unpredictable behaviors, it would be much harder to develop strategies. Repetition grants a stable foundation, a structure, on which we can sharpen our skills.
For lawyers, the repeated procedure of drafting motions and arguing in court serves a similar function. Each time we file a motion, we’re refining our technique. We pick up on the judge’s preferences, the local rules’ quirks, and the usual strategies of opposing counsel. Over time, this repetition hones our instincts, giving us the ability to see patterns and anticipate outcomes more effectively.
Here’s where curiosity comes in: we don’t want to just go through the motions. We want to find a better way to do things. We might test a new argument or incorporate new data from an AI-driven research tool. The drive to uncover what might work better next time keeps us engaged, even though the procedural steps remain consistent—just like dropping Tetris blocks in ways we never tried before.
Gamifying Our Real-World “Levels”
In video games, repetition is couched in a structure of distinct “levels.” You beat Level 1, then Level 2 features the same enemies but with a new twist; maybe an added boss or a different environment. Real life, especially life in the law, can operate similarly. Each new case or transaction is akin to the next level, building on what you already know but introducing fresh complexities.
Imagine you’re working on a series of mergers and acquisitions. Each deal has its own nuance: industry-specific regulations, unique personalities in the C-suite, or even cultural differences between merging organizations. Much like how Galaga’s alien waves stay generally familiar but vary enough to keep you on your toes, each M&A project remains rooted in the fundamentals yet holds a different puzzle to solve.
This structure, familiar yet slightly new, sparks curiosity. You might wonder: “What if I try a more direct approach with this partner? How can I tweak the negotiation strategy? What role does timing play?” Just as we relish seeing how our Tetris layout looks with each new piece, we get the same rush exploring new ways to close a deal, litigate a novel issue, or integrate cutting-edge technology into the practice.
Curiosity as a Double-Edged Sword
Curiosity can, of course, be a double-edged sword. When the “reward” doesn’t arrive, when we keep encountering complexities that defy resolution, motivation can wilt. We don’t make equity partner yet, or don’t get second chair for that upcoming trial. Think about a Tetris game that starts dropping only the dreaded “S” and “Z” pieces. No matter how creative you get, sometimes the outcome is maddening, and you walk away for a bit.
In the legal profession, this can manifest when repetitive tasks feel more like a hamster wheel than a gateway to learning. If the potential for discovery or improvement seems out of reach—say, if you’re bound by extremely rigid procedures or lack resources to explore new tools—curiosity may dwindle. We see this in outdated tech systems, stifling firm cultures, or endless doc review. But recognizing curiosity as a fundamental driver can help us make structural changes. Shake it up; try something different. Experiment with small interventions, like adopting new software, shifting firm culture, or arranging a short workshop to explore emerging tech, can reinvigorate that sense of “what if?”
Crafting Your Personal “Level Up” Strategy
One of the biggest secrets to harnessing curiosity is to give yourself permission to view your work through a “player” lens. That might sound silly, but think of it this way: if you want to find a strategy that energizes you, let yourself seek novelty or build mastery in areas that inspire you.
Incremental Skills: Like clearing one line at a time in Tetris, focus on small improvements. You don’t have to revolutionize your entire practice in one go. Maybe just aim to automate one routine filing or experiment with one AI research tool. The power of compounding interest is awesome!
Experimentation: In Galaga, you might adjust your timing or positioning. In your practice, consider trying a novel approach with a client or pilot a new contract management platform for a single project. By giving yourself a discrete testing ground, you set the stage for curiosity-based rewards.
Mentorship & Sharing: If you’ve found a new “trick” in Tetris, the best part is showing a friend. The same goes for the legal world. If you’ve discovered a better filing process or an innovative interpretation of a regulation, share that knowledge. Collective curiosity flourishes in a culture of mutual learning.
Reflection: The best gamers reflect on what went wrong. Was I too slow? Did I misjudge a pattern? Reflection in the legal sphere, reviewing a negotiation or trial that didn’t land, can spark new strategies and fuel future curiosity.
The Bigger Picture: Why It Matters
We live in an era where technology evolves at breakneck speed. Attorneys who are early adopters can reap significant rewards: improved efficiency, broader client service capabilities, and less time lost in administrative drudgery. But these tools can only be leveraged if we maintain our curiosity: our desire to explore the unknown.
Think of the early days of personal computing. The lawyers who jumped on board gained access to word processing, digital research, and email far earlier than colleagues who held onto typewriters and fax machines. Adopting new platforms and methodologies today is no different. You may feel as though you’re learning the controls to an unfamiliar game, but once you’ve mapped out the “levels,” you’re off and running, and the payoff can be tremendous.
On an even grander scale, approaching our professional lives with a “curiosity as reward” mindset liberates us from the monotony that can overshadow day-to-day work. It recasts routine tasks as opportunities to test new methods. It gives the daily grind a sense of exploration. And it reminds us that sometimes, the best reward is the thrill of pushing our own limits.
Closing Thoughts
So why do we keep playing the same levels, both in games and in life? Because the real satisfaction comes not just from winning, but from discovering something new, either about the puzzle in front of us or about ourselves. The secret is that you don't have to wait for some groundbreaking technology or a seismic shift in the law to reignite your curiosity. You can find that curiosity in the small corners of your practice: in the briefs you write, the software you use, and the negotiations you navigate day after day.
Like Tetris, the shapes of your practice will keep falling at unexpected angles. Sometimes they'll fit perfectly; other times, you'll feel like you're stacking problems to the brim. But if you keep that spark of curiosity alive, always ready to explore a new tactic, there's no limit to how satisfying and rewarding your "game" can become. After all, when curiosity is your reward function, you're never really out of moves; you're just waiting for the next piece to drop.
Remember, this journey isn't just about mastering the game, it's about staying nimble in a profession that's constantly evolving. Each case, each client, each technological advancement is another opportunity to level up. Whether you're a seasoned partner or a fresh associate, your curiosity is the power-up that keeps you engaged, innovative, and growing.
So next time you find yourself facing a familiar challenge, don't just go through the motions. Ask yourself: What new strategy could I try? What pattern haven't I noticed before? What small tweak might lead to a breakthrough? Because in the end, the most successful legal professionals aren't just the ones who know all the rules—they're the ones who never stop wondering what might happen if they play the game a little differently.
Game on, counselors. Your next level awaits! 👾
By the way, if you’d like to learn more about how how AI works and how it will impact the legal profession, you should apply to LawDroid University!
My NEW 5-part webinar series, Generative AI for Lawyers: Empowering Solos and Small Law Firms, is now available at LawDroid University.
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